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Prince Ned Nwoko Speaks On The Events Leading To The Arrest Of Fugitive Ifejokwu As Against The Many Lies Told By His Daughter

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Famous Nigeria Philanthropist, Politician and Humanitarian had few hours ago released a statement clarifying the events that led to arrest of one Okey Ifejokwu who is a self styled President general of Idumuje-Ugboko Development Union and facing multiple trials for alleged murder and widespread acts of sponsored intra-communal clashes in his rural community.

He noted the many lies and crocodile tears of Pamela Ifejokwu, the daughter of the fugitive must face the wrath of the law as fair justice must be served, as he uncovers that the fugitive had played a despicable and abominable role in the mayhem after claiming and labeling himself as a victim in the crisis which he helped to fuel in a vicious terror that ravaged the Idumuje-Ugboko community in Aniocha North Local government area in Delta state. Prince Ned Nwoko however noted that the recent dubious narrative shared and obviously written by a notorious paid propagandist idling in America named Azuka Jebose provided a false account of the tragic events in 2017.

Amongst some of the unleashed mayhem sponsored by Ifejokwu included the hiring of dangerous thugs and imported Militia groups  to invade the Community to silence general opposition against Prince Nonso's illegitimate ascension to the throne. According to the statement presented by Prince Ned Nwoko, she noted that during the invasion gang of terrorists chanting war songs allegedly attacked the various leaders and groups in the kingdom. These include the vigilante group ably led by Mr. Peter Bama who was beaten and dragged round the town on his birthday suit. They forced him to lead them to the homes of other vigilante members where the double barrel guns and bullets provided the vigilante members by the community for anti-crime purpose were stolen.

While stressing his grievances, Ned Nwoko expressed pity for the people of Idumuje-Ugboko Kingdom, whom have since 2015 till date remained under the vice grip of anti-progressive forces posing to be above the laws of the land and the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. He says, "Ironically Ifejokwu is talking about justice when he had trampled upon the law with his alleged involvement in the Idumuje-Ugboko mayhem",. He further noted that throughout the reign of terror in our dear village, no one heard the voice of Okey Ifejokwu calling for the “rescue” of Idumuje-Ugboko, but today he is desperately singing because the police swooped on him and his violent gang, who are now facing trial at various courts. He stressed that it was more of the case of an oppressor playing the victim.

Other bizarre activities which Ifejokwu and his cohorts were involved in also included attacks on individuals at their homes, residents in the community and notable persons in Idumuje-Ugboko community. During the savage, the secretary of the land allocation committee and then Chairman of the IUDU Taskforce Committee, Mr. Kennedy Nedu Illoh was abducted from his home and dragged to the palace, and was brutalized with intimidations, demanding him to submit his loyalty to Prince Chukwunonso Nwoko. Kennedy Illoh never recovered from this inhuman torture as he died thereafter as a result of fatal injuries.

More attacks continued with increased hostility. Chief Chris Ogwu, the Iyese (Traditional Prime Minister) of Idumuje-Ugboko was attacked at his home and abducted to the palace after his two cars parked were vandalized, his house ransacked and vital documents including other valuables stolen by the armed gang. Reports have it that he was flogged, forced to lie down on the floor and severely beaten in front of Prince Chukwunonso and his men who were watching and enjoying the pains, agony and humiliation of the traditional Prime Minister by the hired assailants. 

The Iyese was lucky not to have been killed, but he is still suffering the physical and psychological trauma until today. However, Chief Sunday Edemodu, the Odogwu of Idumuje-Ugboko was also not spared the misdirected wrath of this gang. They invaded his home at night, damaged his house and looted his valuables. This attack has left him partially disabled battling with complicated health challenges till date. Other victims include Mr. Victor Omezi, an illustrious son of the community, who narrowly escaped death because he was lucky to have travelled when the hoodlums controlled by Ifejokwu evaded his home. But his home and properties were not spared. 

The gang set his building ablaze after the looting of most of his valuables including cash and imported artifacts. The hoodlums also shot one Mr. Cyprian Kumiolu, a young motor cycle rider and life was snuffed out of him. He was murdered in cold blood in front of the palace by the hired bandits in a bid to please Prince Chukwunonso Justin Nwoko and his cohorts. Cyprian Kumiolu’s corpse, according to eye-witnesses was moved from the palace to the market square in a wheelbarrow by one of the arrested suspects already standing trial, and at midnight the corpse was taken away to an unknown location and until date the body of this young Benue State indigene has not been found. 

On March 2020, his father appeared before the Obi of Owa Peace Committee on the Idumuje-Ugboko crisis pleading with Idumuje-Ugboko to release the corpse of his son to him for burial. Painful enough, the young man was not only murdered in cold blood, his motorcycle was set ablaze and burnt to ashes. What a gory story of man’s inhumanity to man. It is the same gory stories of wanton destructions, looting, arson, beating, humiliation in over 29 other homes in the community as recorded by both the Nigerian Police and National Human Rights Commission who visited the community to see things for themselves.

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