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Wonderman Digitals partners with The National Directorate employment (NDE) to train Nigerian Youths on Creative Digital skills.

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It is with great joy that the management and staff of Wonderman Global Entertainment anounce a patnership between Wonderman Digitals and the National Directorate of Employement to train youths across Nigeria with various creative vocational skills. 

This patnership willl allow us to explore employement and self-reliance opportunity within the digital and creative sector. The digital and creative sector has the potential to provide jobs for millions of youth hence the need to explore it potential as we work toward achieving President Mohammadu Buhari's vision of lifting 100 million Nigerians out of poverty. 

While this is our first official patnership with NDE in the area of training, skill acquistion and promotion, it is definitely a spring board to a bigger collaboration both locally and internationally as we work towards building a ruburst ecosystem of learning and promoting creative skills in Nigeria. 

As part of our effort to ensure a pragmatical approach to job creation we have launched a pilot project which is aimed at training 100 youths in FCT on film and television content production and promotion. 

I want to specially acknowledge and appreciate  Mr. Abubakar Nuhu Fikpo the D.G of NDE for his continuing passion toward seeking new pathway of creating employement and empowerment for the Nigerian youth and for allowing us the privilege to be his patners in progress. This patnership means alot to our young organization  and our big vision. we hope to make Nigeria and indeed africa proud with this patnership.


CEO and Team Lead wonderman digitals

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