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I Was Detained Abroad And About To Be Deported But God Rescued Me From Those White Men -Dr. Olukoya Shares Testimony

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The General Overseer of the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries  Dr. Daniel Olukoya has shared a very powerful testimony of one of his church members .

According to the God's General, a sister had sent in her testimony from abroad after the Lord came to her  rescue in a very miraculous way when the dev!l wanted to make a mess of her in the white man's land.

The man of God said

"Let me read you a testimony that somebody sent to me from overseas. She said, "On the 10th of March 2022 at 5 a.m., immigration officers came to pick me up at home in order to deport me to my country. I was praying when I got there. Other inmates also joined in the prayers. I was the one leading the prayers. On the 20th of March, I appealed against my deportation. Unfortunately, the judge refused the appeal. That broke my heart into pieces. I said, "How can this happen after the powerful prayers with Daddy G.O. online that day?"

"But one strange thing I observed was that anyone I prayed for in that detention was being released. But I, who was praying for them, was still being detained. Shortly after, they brought in six other ladies from Nigeria. I led prayers with them. We started midnight prayers in the detention cell. On the 1st of June, a flight was booked for my deportation. A bus was also booked from the detention centre straight to the airport. I cried, but I never stopped praying. The journey to the airport was three hours.

She continues:

"In that bus, we were singing the songs "on the mountain, in the valley, on the land, and in the sea", and 'sunana sunana'. This sunana song always touches my heart, even though I do not understand the meaning of the song because I am from Zambia, but I love to sing it too. On the bus, we were singing it. Some other people laughed at me and said "One minute you say your God is big, and the next minute your God is nowhere to be found

"It was not easy while we were on the bus to the airport. Then one of the Nigerian ladies who had been trying to get through to the G.O. eventually got through to him after several attempts. The G.O. then prayed for us one by one and said, "You will not be deported". We got to the airport, and they ushered us into the plane. When I stepped my foot inside that plane, I prayed one prayer point: "O God, arise, do not put me to shame. I will worship at MFM all my life. I will sow a seed to my testimony. I will share my testimony with the world.'

In conclusion, she said:

"To my amazement, as I was saying the prayer, I heard my name called out inside the plane, and the officer said, "You are not going; your flight has been cancelled". I had no lawyer; I had nobody. I was so excited. I started shouting, jumping, and rolling on the floor of the plane, and I said that the God of MFM has made me a public show, and everybody was shouting with me. On this note, I want to say that God did not only make me a public show but a VIP. I had the favour of the police and security guard driving me in their car to my house while others had to pay for their plane tickets, and this is how I was not deported". That is the wonder-working miracle power of God.